Self-Compassion Skills

“Embrace self-compassion with our transformative life coach program. Connect with your inner self and cultivate kindness and understanding towards yourself for personal growth and fulfillment.”


Week 1: Introduction to Self-Compassion

Objective: Understand what self-compassion is and its importance.

  • Lesson: Define self-compassion. Explain its components: self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness.
  • Activity: Self-Compassion Scale Test. Have participants take the test to assess their current level of self-compassion.
  • Exercise: Guided meditation focusing on self-kindness.

Week 2: Understanding Self-Kindness

Objective: Develop self-kindness to replace self-criticism.

  • Lesson: Discuss the concept of self-kindness versus self-criticism.
  • Activity: Journaling. Write about a recent experience where they were self-critical and reframe it with self-kindness.
  • Exercise: Loving-kindness meditation. Focus on sending love and kindness to oneself.

Week 3: Embracing Common Humanity

Objective: Recognize that suffering and imperfections are part of the shared human experience.

  • Lesson: Explain common humanity and its role in self-compassion.
  • Activity: Group discussion. Share stories of personal struggles and highlight commonalities.
  • Exercise: Reflective writing. Write about how they are not alone in their experiences of suffering and imperfection.

Week 4: Practicing Mindfulness

Objective: Cultivate mindfulness to be present with painful feelings without over-identifying with them.

  • Lesson: Introduce mindfulness and its role in self-compassion.
  • Activity: Mindfulness meditation. Focus on observing thoughts and feelings without judgment.
  • Exercise: Mindful observation. Spend a few minutes each day observing surroundings and inner thoughts mindfully.

Week 5: Integrating Self-Compassion in Daily Life

Objective: Apply self-compassion techniques to everyday situations.

  • Lesson: Discuss practical ways to integrate self-compassion into daily life.
  • Activity: Self-compassionate letter. Write a letter to themselves from the perspective of a compassionate friend.
  • Exercise: Daily self-compassion practices. Implement small, daily acts of self-compassion, like taking breaks and positive self-talk.

Week 6: Reflecting and Setting Future Goals

Objective: Reflect on the journey and set goals for maintaining self-compassion practice.

  • Lesson: Review progress and discuss challenges faced.
  • Activity: Group sharing. Reflect on personal growth and changes noticed over the six weeks.
  • Exercise: Goal setting. Set specific, achievable goals for continuing self-compassion practice.

Tips for Success:

  1. Consistency: Encourage daily practice, even if brief.
  2. Support: Foster a supportive environment where participants can share their experiences.
  3. Resources: Provide resources like books, articles, and guided meditations for further practice.
  4. Patience: Remind participants that building self-compassion takes time and effort.

By the end of six weeks, participants should have a deeper understanding of self-compassion and practical tools to continue nurturing it in their lives.


"Embrace self-compassion with our transformative life coach program. Connect with your inner self and cultivate kindness and understanding towards yourself for personal growth and fulfillment."


Week 1: Introduction to Self-Compassion

Objective: Understand what self-compassion is and its importance.

  • Lesson: Define self-compassion. Explain its components: self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness.
  • Activity: Self-Compassion Scale Test. Have participants take the test to assess their current level of self-compassion.
  • Exercise: Guided meditation focusing on self-kindness.

Week 2: Understanding Self-Kindness

Objective: Develop self-kindness to replace self-criticism.

  • Lesson: Discuss the concept of self-kindness versus self-criticism.
  • Activity: Journaling. Write about a recent experience where they were self-critical and reframe it with self-kindness.
  • Exercise: Loving-kindness meditation. Focus on sending love and kindness to oneself.

Week 3: Embracing Common Humanity

Objective: Recognize that suffering and imperfections are part of the shared human experience.

  • Lesson: Explain common humanity and its role in self-compassion.
  • Activity: Group discussion. Share stories of personal struggles and highlight commonalities.
  • Exercise: Reflective writing. Write about how they are not alone in their experiences of suffering and imperfection.

Week 4: Practicing Mindfulness

Objective: Cultivate mindfulness to be present with painful feelings without over-identifying with them.

  • Lesson: Introduce mindfulness and its role in self-compassion.
  • Activity: Mindfulness meditation. Focus on observing thoughts and feelings without judgment.
  • Exercise: Mindful observation. Spend a few minutes each day observing surroundings and inner thoughts mindfully.

Week 5: Integrating Self-Compassion in Daily Life

Objective: Apply self-compassion techniques to everyday situations.

  • Lesson: Discuss practical ways to integrate self-compassion into daily life.
  • Activity: Self-compassionate letter. Write a letter to themselves from the perspective of a compassionate friend.
  • Exercise: Daily self-compassion practices. Implement small, daily acts of self-compassion, like taking breaks and positive self-talk.

Week 6: Reflecting and Setting Future Goals

Objective: Reflect on the journey and set goals for maintaining self-compassion practice.

  • Lesson: Review progress and discuss challenges faced.
  • Activity: Group sharing. Reflect on personal growth and changes noticed over the six weeks.
  • Exercise: Goal setting. Set specific, achievable goals for continuing self-compassion practice.

Tips for Success:

  1. Consistency: Encourage daily practice, even if brief.
  2. Support: Foster a supportive environment where participants can share their experiences.
  3. Resources: Provide resources like books, articles, and guided meditations for further practice.
  4. Patience: Remind participants that building self-compassion takes time and effort.

By the end of six weeks, participants should have a deeper understanding of self-compassion and practical tools to continue nurturing it in their lives.

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Grace Brown


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Delia Plymton


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Anne Evans


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Sammi Green


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Brody Simms


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Questions? We have answers

So pretty little whimsical bed sweet I floral. Life romantic glass daydreaming, back whimsical handmade vinyl a perhaps is. Effect plants give it. 

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