Under the Hood: The Mechanics of an Anxiety Attack
Photo byElizabeth ZernetskaCourtesy of What Happens Inside Your Body During An Anxiety Attack Unless you are superhuman, you have probably had anxiety at some point in your life. It usually starts off with a whimper, but left unchecked, anxiety can...
Best Strategies For Managing Anxiety During The Holiday Season
Navigating Holiday Anxiety with Grace and Serenity The holiday season, with its twinkling lights, festive gatherings, and cheerful carols, is often painted as the most wonderful time of the year. However, for many, it can also be one of the most stressful times. From...
Understanding the Fight-or-Flight Response and Its Connection to Anxiety
Almost everyone has heard of the "fight or flight" response but most people don’t fully understandswhat it means or why it’s so central to our experience of anxiety. The fight-or-flight response is anancient survival mechanism that prepared our...
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is a natural human response to stress or danger. It is a feeling of unease, fear, or apprehension about what is to come. While it is normal to experience occasional anxiety, such as before a big event or during a challenging situation, anxiety becomes a...
What’s Self-Love Got To Do With Anxiety?
What in the world does self-love have to do with anxiety and how women manage their anxiety, or rather don’t manage it? It’s a good question, and the answer is not apparent on the surface. So sit back and pour yourself a cup of Joe because this is going to be a...
What Stress Does To The Body
Photo by Liza Summer In today’s current climate of go, go, go and achieving all the time, stress is a significant part of everyday life, and the impact it has on the body is profound. Over 63% of Canadians feel that their stress...